Fast five with Marc Ohlmus, VRC Punters Club Host
How do you balance risk and reward when placing bets for the Punters Club?
By keeping the outlay small and taking a few calculated risks. For example, last weekend, we had a good day of wins until the last race, where we backed a 30-to-1 shot. In the end, we did a bit better than breaking even, which was great for the whole day. It's about striking a balance – you don’t want to risk too much, but at the same time, when you back a big-priced runner, everyone gets excited when those long shots come through.
What’s the biggest win the Punters Club has celebrated, and what made it memorable?
We’ve had a couple of triple-figure payouts, which were fantastic! One I’ll always remember was on a summer race day a few years ago. We were involved in a multi, and we got a decent payout, but then we realised TAB had a promotion on – five time multiplier! It was such a fun day, and everyone who was involved had a great time celebrating. We also had a $120 payout on the last day of the Carnival in 2023, which was another highlight after a day of backing losers. It felt like a great way to end the day on a high. The best part is always the camaraderie with everyone who’s involved – there’s so much energy in the air. That’s what makes it memorable.
Can you share a time when something unexpected came through and surprised everyone?
Newmarket Day 2024 sticks out when we backed Cylinder at 10-1. I was so confident that I had it into a multi in the next race, which was Autumn Angel. It was the start of the day and we were miles in front. Cylinder ended up retiring and Autumn Angel went on to win a Group 1. It was very memorable.
What do you enjoy most about hosting the Punters Club?
What I love most is the engagement with the audience. I work in a studio a lot, and it can sometimes feel like you’re talking to yourself. But when I’m hosting the Punters Club, I get to interact with the crowd, and it makes it so much more fun. The members, the regulars, and the public are all so engaged – it’s great. We chat, we joke around, and it’s just a fun environment. I love that everyone gets involved, and there’s a real buzz in the air. It’s not just about the racing; it’s about sharing that experience with others.
What advice would you give to someone new to the Punters Club experience?
If you’re not willing to lose $10, then don’t get involved! We try to give people a bit of a ride for the day, and I always say follow my picks, but feel free to back other horses if you want more chances of cheering home a winner. We’re here to help, but ultimately, it’s about having fun. It’s not about big money, it’s about enjoying the experience and the day out.